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Intership @ Sympl Week 14

The sympl Backend & Rasberry Pi

Mon 8 - Fri 12 May:

Implementation into the Laravel Backend

After taking some time getting familiar with Laravel I started moving my code I had into a smaller separate project intro the Laravel backend project. A big difference was the way the data came in.

In my own small project I had put the images and audio into local folders and then used the path to the files. In the backend the files are stored in a database. The database also contained the file for every client. This meant I had to make sure that clients could only access their data and not the data from another client. I also had to make sure the data was correctly loaded from the database.

The project also ran on Docker containers. This meant I had to get familiar with Docker as well since I had never used it thourougly before.

Sandbox environment

The Laravel project luckily had a sandbox environment in which I could test out my code. This was very useful because I could test out my code without having to worry about breaking the project.

Raspberry Pi

At the end of the week I was also told a small project was coming up with a Rasperri Pi. This is a small but powerful computer that can be used for all kind of things. I thought the project was really interesting since I was looking into buying a Raspberry Pi computer to experiment with myself.

By Aron Claessens